
  • Investigating the nature of structural or magnetic phase transitions
    • Purpose: Determine the critical exponent of the antiferromagnetic order from the temperature dependence of magnetic reflections
    • Figure: Temperature dependence of the magnetic reflection
    • Condition: 40′-PG-40′-40′-open, 2 axis, GM
    • Sample: Au70Al16Tb14 quasicrystal approiximant, single crystalline 48.3 mg
    • Reference: K. Nawa et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2461, 012015 (2023).

    • Purpose: Looking for the weak magnetic reflections
    • Figure: 2θ-θ scans below and above the transition temperature of 23 K
    • Condition: 20′-PG-20′-20′-40′, 3 axis, GM
    • Sample: Au65Al20Gd15 quasicrystal, polycrystalline, 50 μm thickness
    • Reference: R. Tamura et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 19938 (2021).

See K. Nawa et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 9, 091001 (2024) for details.